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How It Works: Image

How It Works

We've developed a novel approach to preventing neurological complications of Down Syndrome. Here is our cutting-edge treatment plan.



In order to verify that a fetus has Down Syndrome, we perform an amniocentesis at week 16-20 which is a very common, minimally invasive procedure that biopsies about 100 milliliters of amniotic fluid. 30 milliliters of fluid are used for testing and the rest is frozen in case treatment is necessary. Don’t worry, about the body produces 500-700 milliliters of fluid per day.


Immediate Care

If the tests return positive for Down Syndrome, the biopsy is thawed and mesenchymal stem cells are isolated, purified, and cultured. These cells are special because they are known for their inability to form tumors, thus increasing safety for the fetus.



Next, we inject 750 thousand - 1 million cells intrathecally (into the cerebrospinal fluid) using ultrasound imaging to visualize the fetus and guide the needle. After the procedure, the progression of the brain’s development can be monitored through routine ultrasound check-ups once per week for the first month and every other week for the rest of the term.

default mode networks for fetus at 35.1


Once the injection is complete, the stem cells will differentiate in the brain, where they will correct structural abnormalities that impact cognition and motor skills in Down Syndrome-affected brains, such as irregular neocortical lamination. By correcting the physiology of the brain during initial development, we can prevent future neurodegeneration typically observed in Down Syndrome.

Pediatrician Examining Infant

Postnatal Care

If the patient decides to continue treatment postnatally, more amniotic fluid can be collected and frozen with a quick and easy addition to a C-section birth or additional stem cells may be harvested from the cord blood or placenta.



The first treatment will improve cognitive function by approximately 65% while the second treatment can boost efficiency by another 10%. This decision will be guided by the physician but is ultimately up to you.

How It Works: Services
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